Happy Labour Day everyone!!
Sedar-sedar dah bulan May. Its too fast, but we had a great April walaupun rasa macam tak cukup hari.
Early April start with family things, wedding, meeting, photo shooting ( yang mengecewakan sebab after makeover photographer buat hal ), after that busy with office management things, meeting for Ramadan class Schedule, Bengkel Faraidh and whats not.
Then spend hours for Unit Trust Exam because its involve calculating ( seriously i am stuck with it ). Luckily i passed the exam. Then continue my appointment, class, reschedule.
Usually Puasa Month is hard to arrange class, nak nak sekarang student da ramai, so kita masukkan semua dalam hari Sabtu dan Ahad. So I am trying hard to get "Job: during puasa months. Kalau tak , tak "berincome" lah. Dah berminggu-minggu jadual tak siap-siap. Harap nya semua berjalan dengan baik.
And this month also I will travelling for my sister Convocation date. Such a "fewh~~" We pray for the best sebab nak tinggalkan tusyen tu.
Ok will continue later