Wednesday 19 February 2014

HAPPY 2014 NEW YEAR + wedding entry


Rasa nya macam dah terlambat je nak review pasal new year. Disebabkan "work load" seriusly apa pun tak sempat. Rumah pun dah kelam kabut. Sian My Mr lovey rumet. Every wassap asking for mandarin class and about anything  bout travel pakej pun pending. But Alhamdulillah today manage to reply alls.

So wat the biggets HILIGHT OF 2013?? 

Alhamdulillah, finally im a wife, ( lambat sngat decide nak jadi wife, sbb tu la lambat ) even im decided to b a wife at early 20. But jodoh itu Rahsia Allah. Alhamdulillah with this yang Allah dah aturkan, ku mohon supaya diriku menjadi yang terbaik untuk semua. (u alls jelesh x kalu baca caption mcm ni " im 21, im a wife and already have a daughter" plak tu anak dia da pndai jalan kot) jelesh sangat kn??? i jelesh, u alls x jelesh xpe la. Plus mommy tu plak gojes of coz la daughter dia pretty like a princess. So lovely.

I miss all the moments when i am with my siblings and parents preparing together, having such a good time on that "sweet moment" day of me and all my close relatives from all over the world is coming back to Malaysia, celebrated the moment. I miss u alls, sister, brother even u alls sangat la jauh, flight harus la 14 jam baru sampai. semoga kita ditemukan dalam doa. I miss u alls seriusly, kadang-kadang sampai nangis.
semoga berbahagi dan dikekalkan sampai syurga.

thats all..

MUA done by the bride ( eheee, penat practice seminggu )

with the lovely bride-maids ( import masing-masing semua duk oversea, thank u alls )

lovely cousin of me (thanks dear for assist )



  1. Salam, nak tanya, you really did your own makeup for your wedding? Sebenarnya plan macam tu juga tapi takut tak sempat/ gelabah. haha. Okay tak sebenarnya kalau buat sendiri?

    1. assalam. yes dear, i make up sendri walupun x secantik mak andam. my advise is, u hve to practice dulu sebualn sebelum majlis. barang makeup beli kat elianto je murah. sbelum majlis tu kena besiap awal la kalu takut gelabah. kalu u da practice kaler apa u nak semua, in sya allah senang la nnt masa mjlis

  2. btw, you nampak cantik sangat on your wedding and you dont need makeup mak andam. thank you so much for the advice. :)

    1. thanks dear, i rasa smua orang akan nampk extra cantik on her wedding day, maybe sebab happy kot.. happy wedding in advance for u, good luck for your make up tutorial

    2. assalam dear amyra, how ur wedding day??
